FRC Collaborates with the Caribbean Yard Campus (CYC) in a Cultural Exchange Program

The Msgr. Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre (FRC) will be hosting a group of thirteen cultural workers and researchers from the Caribbean Yard Campus (CYC) – Trinidad and Tobago, from August 24– August 31. They will be joined by five cultural workers from Martinique. The main purpose of their tour is to experience the rich traditional and contemporary cultural resources of Saint Lucia, some sightseeing and maybe a country and western dance. The group is being led by Mr. Rawle Gibbons renown Caribbean playwright and founding director of the Centre for Creative and Festival Arts at the UWI in Trinidad and Tobago.

During their stay, the group will be engaged in cultural exchange activities and training workshops. The group plans to share some of the skills of its members which included carnival making, emancipation art, and calypso theatre.  The members are also keen to learn more about Saint Lucian folk traditions, particularly Fèt Lawòz.